This system achieves a low-cost intelligent unmanned supervisory function, and realizes a24-hour unmanned surveillance, and with real-time news reporting and emergency alert function. 系统不仅可以实现24小时无人监控,并具有实时消息报告与紧急报警的功能。
The supervisors of the Department of supervision of Nanjing national government were important in performing the supervisory function. 摘要监察委员是国民政府监察院监察权的具体行使者,对监察职能的实现有着至关重要的作用。
In accordance with the Constitution and for the purposes of strengthening the distribution and supervisory function of budget, improving the budget management of the state, intensifying the micro-scope regulation and control of the state, and ensuring the sound socio-economic development, this law is enacted. 为了强化预算的分配和监督职能,健全国家对预算的管理,加强国家宏观调控,保障经济和社会的健康发展,根据宪法,制定本法。
The Qing Dynasty inherited Ming Dynastys System and established supervising officials to perform the important supervisory function. 清承明制,设立科道官员执行重要的监察职能。
China's media have over the years maintained close ties with the people and are geared to practical life, bringing their supervisory function into play. 这几年,中国各种新闻传播媒介更加重视联系群众、面向实际生活,发挥舆论监督作用。
We should tighten organizational and democratic supervision and give play to the supervisory function of the media. 加强组织监督和民主监督,发挥舆论监督的作用。
Supervisory board cannot play its supervisory function. 现阶段,应通过加强董事会的独立性,完善董事责任;充分发挥监事会的监督职能;
Harmonizing the supervisory function of People's Congress with the independence of procuratorial organs; 第四、改善人大监督与检察独立的关系第五、改善人大对检察机关的监督方式。
The main reasons about it are that the exterior environment is incomplete, the quality of enterprises 'personnel is low, the question of controlling by the interior person is serious, the information communication isn't expedite and the supervisory function of interior audit is weak badly. 分析其原因主要有:外部环境还不完善、企业人员素质偏低、内部人控制问题严重、信息沟通不畅、内部审计的监督职能严重弱化。
Through independent auditing activities, CPAs can fully exert their supervisory function in the society. They play an irreplaceable role in maintaining the order of market and economy and facilitating a healthy and orderly development of the market. 注册会计师通过独立审计活动,充分发挥其社会监督职能,在维护市场经济秩序、促进市场健康有序运行过程中发挥了不可替代的重要作用。
Under the corporate governance structure of the first big shareholder, auditing commission and internal audit will lose the supervisory function before the strong biggest shareholder. 在第一大股东治理结构下,独立董事、审计委员会、外部审计等公司治理机制均失去应有的监控功能。
For fear that some states should take advantage of their options to do damage to the international monetary system, IMF has enhanced its supervisory function over its members 'policies and concurrently taken some relevant enforcement measures. 为了防范各国选择汇率安排的自由可能给国际货币体系带来的危害,IMF强化了对其成员国的政策的监督职能,并辅之以相应的执行措施。
New Recognition on Accounting Supervisory Function 对会计监督职能的再认识
I think that the range of their power should be made clear based on their different characteristics on supervisory function, avoid intersecting and conflicting, make them each attend to its own duties, and cooperate with each other. 提出从二者监控功能的不同特点出发对其各自的功能进行合理定位,做好职权划分,避免职能交叉和冲突,使其各司其职,各负其责,相互配合。
On the Problems in Accountants 'Supervisory Function under Electronic Computerization and its Settlement 论电算化条件下会计监督职能中存在的问题及解决办法
Finally, external auditing efficiency should be strengthened to intensify the supervisory function of CPA. 最后,加强外部审计效率,强化注册会计师的审计监督作用。
By analyzing the monopolization that is essential attribution in the service of university library, the paper emphasizes the significance of regulatory function, points out that supervisory function is the core function of working committee in the university libraries. 本文通过对高校图书馆的本质属性&服务性及其客观存在的服务垄断性的简要分析,引出强调监督职能的意义所在,进而分析并提出了监督职能应作为高校中图书馆工作委员会核心职能的观点。
To tighten up supervisory function and supervise market operation; 加强监督职能、监督市场运行;
Supervisory Function Is Not the Major Role of the Accountants 监督职能不是会计的首要职能
Research on Supervisory Board and its Implementation of supervisory Function 监事会与监督职能实施的探讨
To develop supervisory function effectively, we must start from the system construction, the appointment mechanism, the leading system of discipline inspection, the masses supervision, and the ideological education, increase exploration depth and practice intensity continuously, and implement supervisory work. 我们要想有效发挥监督职能,就必须从制度建设、用人机制、纪检领导体制、群众监督和思想教育等环节入手,并不断加大探索深度和实践力度,把监督工作落到实处。
Modern society, the supervisory function of media for public power and public life is more and more important. So the media also called the fourth power and the uncrowned godfather. 现代社会,媒体对于公权力及社会公共生活的监督作用是越来越大,所以,媒体又有第四权力和无冕之王的称号。
As the development of mass media, mass communication permeates every aspect social activities, the influence on society and supervisory function of which become more and more important. 随着大众传媒的发展,新闻传播渗透到社会生活的方方面面,其社会影响力和舆论监督作用越来越大。
The real-time supervisory function include: the project examination and approval, fund appropriated, quality safety and engineering settlement, tender and bid supervisory and regulatory supervision. 实时监察功能包括:项目审批、资金拨付、质量安全、工程结算、招标投标监察以及规范性监察。
Since the date of birth, report on the work of the Court system takes up the supervisory function in theory. 法院工作报告制度自诞生之日起,就从理论上肩负起监督功能。
Second, it leads to judicial function and supervisory function confused which causes the supervisory organizations lack of restriction from other organizations when hearing cases. 二是造成了审判职能与监察职能的混同,使监察机构在审理案件时缺乏其他机构的制约。
Report on the work of the Court system provides the necessary possibilities for its supervisory function. 法院工作报告制度为其所具有的监督功能为其提供了必要的可能性。
As for this, public prosecutor should be a litigant with his public prosecution function strengthened and his supervisory function cancelled. 对此,我国公诉人应当实行当事人化,强化其公诉职能,取消其审判监督职能。
The supervisory function of the media which should be the most important social function is weakened and its place is overstepped by entertainment and profit making. At the same time, national public power which was the core of supervision gives way to individual privacy. 理应作为媒体重要社会功能的舆论监督功能被弱化了,其地位被提供娱乐、获取利润等功能所超越,并且媒体舆论监督的重心也从国家公权力转为普通公民的个人隐私。